Summer Days

It’s been a busy summer, and as it comes to a close all I can think is…oh my goodness, the holidays are right around the corner! It seems crazy to be thinking of holiday photos when it’s just barely September, but it is definitely time. Sept & Oct bring the start of holiday season….time for all those family portraits, and planning holiday cards!

The weekends are already booking up fast so don’t delay if you are thinking of booking a fall or holiday session.

And in the meantime, here’s some images from a couple recent summer sessions!




Kimberly Meng Photography / Denham Springs & Gonzales family photographer

Website is down!

The website is down right now – hopefully this is very temporary. I believe the company I host with is located on the East coast, so it may be weather related. I’m hoping everyone is safe, and we are back up and running soon!

Curls curls curls!

I got to meet handsome Mr. “E” recently. “E” is a few months shy of turning 4, so I knew this would be fun! This age is full of giggles and silly faces, and he did not disappoint. I make no secret of the fact that if I could freeze my children at any age, it would be 4 years old. That is just the *best* time! Full of personality, always exploring and asking questions…it’s too bad we only get to keep them that way for one short year.

So here he is…head full of beautiful curls and all!



Denham Springs child photographer / Kimberly Meng Photography